The essence of the E-Motion method of Life Coaching is the pairing of rhythmic movement (walking/running) with talking and/or meditation. Adding the element of movement amplifies the power of the individual to tap into the creative part of their brain, opening the door to new ways of looking at old problems while enhancing the individual’s ability to access emotions. Read more

Life Fitness Coaching centers around the idea that the more “fit” we are in each of the dimensions in our lives, the more balanced and satisfying our lives will feel and the more energy we will have to pursue our passion and purpose. A Life Fitness coach helps individuals pinpoint the source of their discontent, unrest, or general feeling of unhappiness.

I’ve been considering gratitude a lot lately. I never used to think much about it. When we are a certain way we don’t give it much of a thought. Now I notice it now and appreciate it. I really notice when someone is lacking in gratitude. Don Draper, the main character in the hit series Mad Men could be the poster boy for the absence of gratitude. He Is portrayed as one of the luckiest men on Madison Ave. yet he never acknowledges his good fortune. Lack of gratitude can make your life much emptier and unhappy. Read more

Another super way to bring the healing power of animals to people when they most need it!
A hospital in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada has a new program that allows patients to be visited by their own pets!

How does a person that “can’t” swim complete a triathlon?
From Jeptha Davenport’s Blog:
I wasn’t worried so much about swimming fast as not drowning.
Jeptha took on an incredible challenge.
Read about how he triumphed here:
And then, see if you can get away with telling your coach, or yourself, what you can’t do! 🙂

Huff Post has a nice little article on some quotes that came out of the Third Metric: Redefining Success Beyond Money & Power conference in New York. The focus was stress in the workplace and what to do about it…Really though this is a broader issue that applies to our whole lives.
Absorb and honor just one of these 28 insights and you will be moving in the right direction!
More and more, people are coming to realize that food is taking the role of an addictive substance in their life.
It can be a real challenge, since, we do need to eat, and it does have such an immediate impact on our bodies, brains and, often, emotions.
I found a great article on CNN on food addiction…