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Are You Making Progress
February 25, 2011

Do you have some goals that you have been talking about for 6 to 12 months? Your goal might be starting a business, getting a better job, moving, or maybe something else. I am asking that you take a look at that goal and ask yourself: What have I done to make it happen? What progress have I made over the last six to twelve months?

I don’t mean…beat yourself up…but honestly reflect. Have you done anything? Are your efforts inconsistent, or half hearted? Maybe…you need to change your goal…or maybe you need to step into some action steps. Be honest with yourself. Are you really taking action…or are you just thinking about your goal? I see this often with small biz folks…they think they are always working, when in reality, often they are only thinking about acting.

Exercise: Write down five things you accomplished in the last two weeks that got you closer to your goal, then write down five action steps you commit to this week. Pick one to do today. As you begin acting- keep a notebook handy so you can keep track of questions that come up. Then ask your coach, ask colleagues, ask friends,  search google, search articles,  etc…for the answers.

If you are wondering where to start with your action, pick the action steps that have the most impact.  For small biz- some ideas are list building, product development, sales, communicating with your list, blogging, marketing , social media (careful…this can eat up a lot of time- be strategic). If you are trying to get a job or a better job: Update your resume and actually apply for some jobs (research is implied here- but I know lots of people who comb through internet postings for hours and hours- then never apply for anything), network- in person and online, add to your skill set,  make follow up calls, etc.

Success Tip: Keep your self on track by completing an Accountability Worksheet each and every week. (Keeping track of goals and accomplishments, questions, and actions).

Hint: If you are trying to accomplish a goal: daily, consistent action, gets you there.

Don’t let another six to twelve months go by…heck, don’t let another day go by- work on your goals today.

I would love to know what you are doing to stay on track with your goals?

The Top 2 Challenges That People Face
February 16, 2011

The Top 2 Challenges that People Face

I have been surveying people for over a year by asking them for their top three challenges. Everyone who signs up for a free strategy session with me- fills out a form where they can list their top three challenges that they face. Consistently- wanting to feel peaceful and relaxed about money and desiring inspiring work have been the top two. ( I do, sometimes, find that during our initial discussion, these top two are really masking something else).

But let’s look at money issues and inspiring work.  

You can feel peaceful and relaxed about money no matter how much money you have or lack of money that you have.   

So, when you feel that bills are looming and overwhelming, how can you feel peaceful about money? Set the intention that your inner-peace is not related to money. Learn to be peaceful and relaxed in the present moment.

What do I mean by this? For example, let’s say you have a bill due on the fifteenth and it’s the fifth. You don’t know how you are going to pay this bill and it’s an important bill. Your past reaction to situations like this has been to fret, worry, and lose sleep. Instead of experiencing all the worry, you can bring yourself fully present through some deep breathes, feeling your feet on the floor, and recalling a moment when you successfully met a financial challenge. Pat yourself on the back for your success. Recognize that you have made it this far in life. As you calm down, your thinking clears and you are more open to intuition. You may get a brainstorm around taking care of that bill. Maybe you think of something you can sell, or another solution pops into your head which is exactly the right solution. Approach every money issue from a place of peace and calm.

What about inspiring work? You may have heard stories about people quitting their jobs and starting companies and eventually becoming millionaires. Yes, this can happen, but I am not here today to tell you to quit your job and start a business. I am here to tell you that no matter what you do, you can find something inspirational about it. If you have ever watched the reality TV show the Under Cover Boss- you have witnessed entry level employees with repetitive tasks and their lights still shine in their work.

I do think that everyone has a purpose – something that ignites passion and fulfillment. While you do inner work and soul searching to uncover this purpose and to determine your path, you can still shine at whatever you do.  You can be inspired and inspire other people. The key is to find something that you love about the job. When I was in high school, I worked at a fast food restaurant and came home each night smelling like a French fry. There was a lot not to love about working in this environment, but I focused on the customers, I loved talking to people and helping them. Guess what I love most about my coaching practice today? Talking to people and helping them. I knew my purpose as a teenager. Yes, I lost my way a few times as an adult, but the essence of what I love about my work has stayed the same.  My work, now, just exists on a higher level.  My challenge to you today- is for you to find something inspiring about your current work. As you learn what inspires you- your path will unfold.

Stop waiting for some day to be peaceful, relaxed and inspired. You can have all of these elements in your life today.

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Simple Decision Making Tool Form

I’ve created a form that is a simple decision making tool.

It can be used in a variety of circumstances, but I designed is specifically for those moments when you are deciding “what to do”.

Accomplishing things is important.  Reaching goals is important.  Time management is important.  Managing our ENERGY, is more important.  This tool is meant to help you manage your thoughts, your time and your energy effectively.

If you use the decision making tool, and then stick to the choice you make, you will save yourself a good amount of energy and angst.

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