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Life Coaching Intentions eCourse

Day 11

To find the humor in everything.


Sometimes we take life so seriously!  But really, there is plenty to laugh about, isn’t there? 

How about the way we humans get so worked-up about the smallest things?

How about, for supposedly the smartest animals on the planet, we spend the most time “not knowing” what to do? 

How about the myriad of little events in a day that, when you try, you can view from a humorous perspective? 

Humor is healing.  It releases stressful energy and relaxes you.  We can all use more humor in our lives (well, only if we want to be happy!) 

If you take this intention seriously (ha, ha) you will have a wonderful day. 

Today’s Intention: 

Today I intend to find the humor in everything. 

When you do this intention, you can’t avoid having a great day.  There are other benefits to enjoying a laugh as well, but just feeling great is a super start. 

Again, today’s intention: 

Today I intend to find the humor in everything. 

Have an amazing intentional day!


Proceed to Day 12



Copyright © Michele Caron, 2002-2010