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My Coaching Philosophy

There are certain careers or endeavors that are best guided by a cohesive philosophy as a foundation from which the individual operates, such as teaching, counseling, coaching, and even parenting.  I recently had reason to “revisit” and articulate in written form my personal philosophy on how I work with individuals in three of the four before mentioned arenas.  I was pleasantly surprised that this was easier than I had anticipated as the underlying principles for each endeavor, including parenting, are the same for me.

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I’m Doing the Best That I Can: The Upgrades

Our speech and thoughts are not the be all and end all of intentional living, but for most people’s practical purposes, words are essential to our experience and results.

Most people use the phrase, I’m doing the best that I can as a plaintive expression that is essentially a complaint…A complaint that you are disappointed in your own results, a complaint that that your efforts aren’t yielding enough benefits or results and a doubting that further change is possible.

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The Surprising First Step to Career Change

Know you want to change careers, but having trouble making it happen?

Applying for jobs and never getting any interviews, or getting interviews but nothing comes of them?

Do you think I’m going to tell you to redo your resume, work on your personal brand, or update your LinkedIn? Not to start, these are not the place to start.

The surprising first step to career change is to completely change the way you are thinking about your current position (or, even, lack of position.)

I’ve helped hundreds of individuals shift from a strainful, stressful, struggling career change process to getting quickly and smoothly aligned with opportunities and great results.

Schedule a free coaching session with me and I’ll explain my madness.

When Should You Hire a Life Coach?

Short answer, always…Easy for a coach to say!

But there is more to understand when you are considering hiring a coach…

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