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Life Coaching Intentions eCourse



Congratulations on your use of this course.  It is *my intention* (ha, ha) that this course clearly communicate, and demonstrate, a lot of important concepts, any one of which could make a huge difference in your life.  The more of these concepts you can incorporate into your life, the more happiness, fulfillment and success you are likely to have (in my experience as a successful Life Coach!) 

What is an intention?  An intention is a statement of a plan…what you mean to do, bringing all of your personal resources to bear to make it happen.  An intention is the strongest statement of a plan…It is a plan that you *are* going to implement!

Before you proceed any further, ask yourself…What do I want to gain from this course?  

Do you want to be happier?  Wealthier?  More at peace?  Do you want to have better relations with others?  More fulfillment in your job?  Any of your goals, so long as they are in line with the highest good for yourself, can be achieved with the help of this course.

As a coach, I don’t necessarily tell people what to do.  But, if I can identify things that may be sapping their energy and keeping them from being their best I may ask them about it.  This course is meant to address many of the things that can hold you back from being your best, and the learning, creativity, growing and success we all naturally move towards when nothing is in our way. 

There are also many things in this course that are meant to increase your energy, happiness, creativity and peace.  Not only because those things are desired outcomes in and of themselves, but because those things help you take effective, appropriate, timely, creative action. 

All of the learning is done in an experiential way, through the use of intentions.  So, each day, you will be trying out the concept for yourself! 

In a general sense, the intentions will become more challenging as we go along.  But, don’t skip any intentions if they seem too easy!  They are meant to build each upon the last.  Don’t let your ego keep you from growing by convincing you you don’t need to do anything different.  If you keep doing things the same, you will get the same results, right? 


Proceed to Why...


Copyright © Michele Caron, 2002-2010