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Life Coaching Intentions eCourse

Day 9

To smile and say hello to at least three people that I wouldn’t normally do so.


When is the last time a stranger smiled at you and said hello?  What was that like for you?  I bet it felt great!  I bet it felt great to the person who gave the hello as well. 

In this simply act, we say so many things.  I affirm you as a person.  You are valuable.  I am interested in you.  (Hint:  You are also implying all of those things about yourself as well, and that is why it feels great to you too.)  Everybody benefits! 

Plus, it is great to get in the habit of really seeing and connecting with the people you run into in life.  Some of the best opportunities in life come from a connection with another person you might not normally have met…And you certainly would have no chance of meeting if you kept your eyes to the ground with a grumpy face on! 

Today’s Intention: 

Today I intend to smile and say hello to at least three people that I wouldn’t normally do so.

Let’s try this simple (deceptively simple!) intention, and see what kind of day you have! 

Again, today’s intention: 

Today I intend to smile and say hello to at least three people that I wouldn’t normally do so. 

Have an amazing intentional day!


Proceed to Day 10



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