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Life Coaching Intentions eCourse

Day 28

To be in the now, living each moment to its fullest.


When you are thinking about the past, or worrying about the future, I can guarantee you, you aren’t enjoying your life.  It just simply isn’t possible!  Our minds can only do so much at once! 

When you are with your loved ones, are you really “with” them, or often is your mind off in a thousand directions?  Do you really see and feel the world around you, or are you too engrossed in what is going on in your own head? 

Do you know the feeling of just being and enjoying?  You might remember your last really happy time, maybe enjoying being with family and friends, or some other time when you just enjoyed the moment, without analysis or need for change. 

If you took your life up until this point as a whole, and subtracted all the times you were analyzing, worrying or remembering, what would you be left with?  Do you think you have been enjoying actually living as much as you really want to? 

There can be great value in just “being”, right where you are, no matter what the circumstances, “good” or “bad”.  If you want to learn more about this important concept, look into the popular book Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. 

But, I bet you have sufficient skills already to be able to do this with a good amount of success if you intend so!

Today’s Intention: 

Today I intend to be in the now, living each moment to its fullest. 

Really, what is more important than actually being present and enjoying your life?! 

Again, today’s intention: 

Today I intend to be in the now, living each moment to its fullest. 

Have an amazing intentional day!


Proceed to Day 29



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