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Life Coaching Intentions eCourse

Day 13

To only engage in activities that are a 9 plus for me, or make things a 9 plus.


OK, now I know you think I have gone off the deep end on this one.  Either you are wondering what the bleep I mean by 9 plus, or you get what I mean and are thinking, what, are you nuts? 

A “9 plus” means something that you are really enjoying.  You want to do it, you are enjoying doing it, and rated from 1 to 10, it is at least a 9 for you. 

Many of us spend most of our time doing things that are really on the low end of the scale.  Some possible examples…Going to the job we don’t like:  2 out of 10.  Spending time with people we frankly don’t like: 3 out of 10.   Doing our taxes: 1 out of 10. 

There is a radically different way to live.  A way in which you only do things you absolutely want to do and are enjoying.  A 9 or more out of 10.  I know what you are thinking.  If I did that, I would just watch TV, eat ice cream and sleep until I ran out of money and became homeless.  Well, I am not saying you wouldn’t want to watch some TV for a while!  But, soon enough, when allowed to come to the surface, when not blocked by forcing yourself to do things you hate, you may find that your own natural motivation and inspiration will come forth, and you *will want* to do productive and beneficial things. 

Now, even activities that now are a low number for you, could be a higher number (if they can’t be higher, why are you even doing them again?!).  For example…doing your taxes.  Instead of focusing on everything horrible about doing your taxes, what if you motivated yourself by focusing on what is great!  Some examples:  You know what, even if I don’t always agree on how every dollar is spent, I do love living in a society where we cooperate to implement some basic resources like roads and schools…Doing my taxes is my way to contribute!  Or, I am going to feel so great when this is done!  Or…Maybe I’ll get a refund once I total everything up!  Or…I’ve already decided to do this, how about I get help from my spouse and we just have a fun time doing it.  (I know, I picked a hard one, taxes, to use for an example, but you see what I mean, right?!) 

Today’s Intention: 

Today I intend to only engage in activities that are a 9 plus for me, or make things a 9 plus. 

So, all I ask is that you experiment with this for one day.  I think you’ll find that you have an amazing day, and may even get more accomplished than on a regular day.  Certainly, you will build awareness around how much you really are enjoying or not enjoying your typical activities. 

Again, today’s intention: 

Today I intend to only engage in activities that are a 9 plus for me, or make things a 9 plus. 

Have an amazing intentional day!


Proceed to Day 14



Copyright © Michele Caron, 2002-2010