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Life Coaching Intentions eCourse

Day 1

I intend to see the best in those around me, and compliment them on it!


Humans are categorizers, and so often we fall into a habit of paying attention to what we don’t like.  That can lead us to focus on the not so great qualities of those around us, and miss all the great things.  That separates us from others, and research shows that connection with others is fundamental to fulfillment in life. 

For today, how about actively looking for the good in those around you? And, complimenting them on those things will make a real connection between two people, part of what this world is about, and make both of you feel great.  Don’t bother with any compliments you don’t truly feel…For example don’t say “I like your sweater” when you don’t!  Better to connect with something really special about that person, that you really feel, and highlight it for both of you. 

Here are some examples of things that could be real, heartfelt compliments that bring to attention the unique qualities of a person: 

  • Suzy, it doesn’t matter what is going on here at the office, you always have a smile for everyone, and I really appreciate that.

  • Bob, thanks for having such a great sense of humor and making me laugh.

  • John, I know I don’t always appreciate it, but you really do have lots of creative, out-of-the-box ideas, and I want to thank you infusing new energy and ideas into what we do.

  • Mom, you are so caring and supportive, and I really appreciate that.

  • David, I know I don’t always want to follow them, but you really are great at keeping me reminded of our policies and procedures, and that really is very helpful, thank-you.

  • Sarah, I have never met anyone as caring and thoughtful as you.

  • Karen, it is amazing how you can make your home so beautiful and inviting…It makes me feel so wonderful to be here.

  • “Boss”, as much as I resist sometimes, you really are great at helping me identify my areas for improvement, and I want to thank you for helping me be my best.

Get the idea?  Remember, when you do this from a real, heartfelt place, it will feel great for both of you.

Today’s Intention:

I intend to see the best in those around me, and compliment them on it!

If you can remind yourself of this intention several times a day, you should automatically start to notice the good things in those around you and feel the urge to tell them about it.  What a positive boost for everyone! 

So, again, today’s intention: 

I intend to see the best in those around me, and compliment them on it!

Have an amazing intentional day!


Proceed to Day 2


Copyright © Michele Caron, 2002-2010